
* indicates invited talk

  • June 2024*: talk at the Queer in Math Day, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig.
  • May 2024*: talk at the Stochastic Topology and its Applications Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig.
  • April 2024: talk at the International Workshop on AI and Topology, Copenhagen.
  • March 2024*: talk in Applied Topology Seminar, Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network, online.
  • December 2023*: talk in the Topology Session of 67th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society.
  • November 2023*: seminar at Discouri Centre in Topological Data Analysis.
  • July 2023: Young Topologists Meeting 2023, Lausanne.
  • June 2023*: Geometric Topology Group, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Uni. of Sydney.
  • October 2022*: Topology Seminar at the School of Mathematics and Statistics, Uni. of Melbourne.
  • May, 2021*: Asia Pacific Seminar on Applied Topology and Geometry, online.
  • September, 2020*: Applied Topology Seminar, Mathematical Institute, Uni. of Oxford.
  • June, 2020: Graduates Reminisce Online On Topology (GROOT) Summer Seminar.
  • December, 2019*: Institute for Mathematical Stochastics, Uni. of Göttingen./li>
  • December 2019*: Applied Topology Seminar, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.
  • December 2019: MODSIM 2019, Canberra, Australia.
  • July 2019: Young Topologists Meeting 2019, Lausanne.
  • March 2019*: seminar to the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Uni. of Newcastle.
  • August 2017: talk to the Mathematics Postgraduate Society at Uni. of Sydney.